Public Speaking

Determination leads to success and guided applied knowledge is wealth are two of the \"catch phrases\" which guide the life of Hamilton Lewis. Dynamic, undaunted, enthusiastic, and trustworthy are just a few of the words one would use in describing this gracious man.

No problem is too difficult, nor any person too inconsequential for Hamilton Lewis. Born to Liberian Diplomats in Monrovia, Liberia, Hamilton was educated internationally - in Western Europe, the Caribbean Islands, and in the United States. Hamilton has always been a man of focus and determination.

At a young age, and though he knew one friend, Hamilton (with his parents\' blessings) set out for the United States of America twenty-eight years ago. His travels took him to Houston, Texas - which he now calls \"home\".

While playing Division I NCAA basketball and accelerating his studies at Houston Baptist University - he completed his course work in three- and one-half years instead of the usual four - with dual degrees in Finance and Management, Hamilton earned the recognition as one of the Outstanding Young Men of America, and received the President\'s Award for Best All-Around Student. Hamilton completed his MBA in eighteen months from the University of Phoenix.

Hamilton has over twenty years of experience as a Financial Analyst/Advisor. He has worked with almost every product created by the marketplace. In his six years as Financial Consultant with Merrill Lynch, Hamilton became one of the company\'s top producers specializing in Equity Portfolio Management. The Paul Carrington Chapter of the Texas Society of the Sons of the American Revolution bestowed upon him its Free Enterprise Award for his outstanding contributions to the American Free Enterprise System.

The Houston Business Journal has also honored Hamilton Lewis with its recognition. The University of Houston\'s School of Business has named Hamilton to the Dean\'s Advisory Council; Hamilton also served on the Charles Schwab Institutional Advisory Board for two years. At that time Schwab Institutional managed \$150 Billion. He was also featured in The Black Enterprise Magazine on several occasions. With his successful designation of Certified Financial Planner and the Chartered Market Technician, Hamilton established HLCM, Inc., a firm dedicated to following a risk adjusted and a bottom\'s-up growth approach to equity portfolio management.

The events of September 11th coupled with a family transition contributed to the end of HLCM. Thereafter, Hamilton consulted with several other firms in New York and Houston until he launched Global Cycles Research, Inc., GP and Global Cycles Research, LP. These firms are dedicated to empowering the public to understand and demystify all markets for profit. In addition, Global Cycles Research, LP uses its specialized cycle's research to manage risk while creating values for domestic and international clients and students.

Hamilton is an active Crude Oil and e-mini S&P 500 futures traders. Hamilton was fortunate to be mentored by a renowned physicist for more than fifteen years. During that time, he studied dynamic cycles, magnetic waves, and learned how the principles of change and motion influence all global markets. The cyclic principles are known for their abilities to forecast highs and lows in any markets. As such, Hamilton successfully applied the cyclic principles to forecast the top of the U.S. housing market on May 13th 2005. The actual top occurred two months later. Global Cycles Research LP Exceptional prospective research -- a rare and timeless asset No determination is made without careful evaluation and consideration of all factors - the Candlestick Charts, the velocity charts, the tapes, computer analysis, and experience, and most importantly the cycle frequencies work closely together in forming every decision.

His vision has further directed him to empowering others to master the trading and the investment process via his comprehensive long/short trading mastery course. Hamilton is one of the world\'s few Chartered Market Technicians with concentrations in the studies of dynamic cycles. This concentration and dedication has allowed Hamilton experience and forecasting skills to outpace the Standard and Poor\'s 500 index.

Hamilton is a renowned speaker on a wide range of financially oriented subjects. He is a motivational speaker who emphasizes the vast opportunities available in America. His radio financial call-in \"spot\" was extremely successful, as are his annual visits to the University of Houston Downtown Business Ethics classes. Among several live call-in television interviews, Hamilton has also hosted a live call-in television show for a Houston television station. During the show, Hamilton interviewed international dignitaries on international trade issues between the United States and Africa. Hamilton Lewis' prediction on public television on June 13th 2007 specifically said to expect the global markets to decline after July 4th 2007. In addition, the compilation Hamilton's international background and keen understanding of the global capital markets properly positions him to consult with international dignitaries around the world on matters of risk management, value creation, and asset protection.

Space does not permit the recording of all of Hamilton\'s speeches, however, a few are: "Making Profits in the Markets" for the National Black MBA Association \"Steps to Building Wealth\" for the personnel of the Harris County Psychiatric Hospital \"Intermarket Technical Analysis, the Bond Market\" at the Taiwanese Credit Union \"America the Beautiful - Business\" for the Textile Maintenance Association "Coming to America" for the Texas and Kiwanis International Chapters \"D.A.R.E. Program\" for the Houston Independent School District \"Comprehensive Planning\" for the Prime Time Sports Agency The Dallas Association for Technical Analysis; Houston Computer Investment Club; CFP Today Magazine; Houston Sun Newspaper; The Houston Chronicle; Investor's Business Daily; The Wall Street Journal; National Radio (44 markets), local Radio KYOK; KJUS & KNER; Television Channel 2, 17, and 22; and many others have requested Hamilton Lewis\' expertise.

Hamilton Lewis is a dynamic speaker, an active contributor to his family, his church, and his community - His success as a Chartered Market Technician and cyclic analyst never keeps him from giving, unstintingly, of himself to his clients and associates. The Hamilton Lewis documentary and his chapter in the book, Money Talks, will give you additional insights into this gracious visionary and philanthropist.